Part 8: A delightful show
Our "more private" location is the Stormfist inn, and you'd think our party could have dragged themselves over there while we listened in on Gizel and Sialeeds, but we start right where we left off.
But getting there is as easy as heading across the plaza.
At least she doesn't dump a bunch of tankards on the floor this time. I think we can call this progress.
It seems like a long shot given the way hotels tend to look before a big sporting event, but...
"Inn Girl" leads the party up the steps. We fade to black...
...and back again. (music)
It looks like we missed the explanation...
...but that's okay, because it looks like our group went all METAL GEAR? on his ass and now he has to explain it again.
More JRPGs could do with that kind of convenience.
I smell sidequest.
(It's actually a mandatory one, but Frey doesn't know that.)
Lym is going to yell at us when she finds out we've gone on adventures without her.
I can deal with spies and assassins. It's the "or something" I'm worried about.
Maybe you're the spy after all?
This sounds a little too specific to be just a random event...
...and the guy he's talking about is indeed Morgan from the original Suikoden, who, as we know, is both alive and well (relatively speaking) and will eventually go on to fight alongside a certain "young master" McDohl... but that's a story for another time.
...well. Let me put it like this: it may not be very quiet, but we'll do our best not to leave any witnesses. Fair enough?
Oh, stop it. You're going to make me blush.
Problem solved very neatly. I'll be keeping my eye on you, Mr. Honestly Not A Spy.
And that's that.
Only one way to find out!
Um... Was that person you were with before a... a gladiator?
I'm thinking most of your customers are too drunk to care, anyway.
Sialeeds meets us right outside the arena.
Dungeon crawl! Dungeon crawl!
We get another Exposition Fade (right in the middle of the crowd)...
...and somehow we still haven't alerted half of Stormfist to our activities. Jolly good.
Speak for yourself, but I suppose they'd just have served us a bunch of sauerkraut. Frey only eats liberty cabbage.
I'm not sure why they even give you an option to whine about it when it does in fact suit us perfectly, but Sialeeds likes us a little more if we don't tell her we really wanted to have dinner with Literally Hitler, so that's something I guess.
He's right...
We could go, like, sharpen Sialeeds' weapon or something, but eh.
Don't worry. They're always like this. Pity me.
We sneakily prepare to break into the arena right next to this random rune seller in the middle of the street.
Shoon joins the party, and off we go!
But first, we'll put that thing we found to use. This requires a bit of an explanation. (Feel free to listen to the dungeon music while you read.)
As you can see under "Current Frm", we're currently in the traditional Suikoden formation - three dudes in front, three in the back. However, Suikoden V introduces alternate formations with various effects - the Double Arm we picked up boosts our damage resistance slightly, and also loads most of our people into the front rows, as visible in the window with the grid. (If we had a sixth member, they'd be behind Georg, next to Frey in this formation.
Range in V works a little differently from the first two games. Any character can attack from any position, but their weapon range indicates their preferred position. Each range - Short, Medium, and Long - has two rows they work best from (I won't insult your intelligence by telling you which ones) and attacking from any other position tends to do bad things to your accuracy.
This new formation is pretty much perfect for our current party, since it allows everyone to work from their preferred range and provides a buff with no drawbacks.
Shoon is kind of shit right now; he is several levels below the party and comes with awful gear and a level 1 weapon. It doesn't really matter though, since we still have Georg, who could very easily solo this entire section.
'course, he'll have to wait a bit because we can't take more than a couple of steps before our party feels the need to have a conversation. Again.
The screen pans up a bit to show most of the dungeon. There really isn't much more to it than this.
They will in the morning, though. As soon as that rune seller makes it to the pub and starts rambling about how five people dove into a well and didn't come out again, and as soon as his audience sobers up enough to come investigate. But of course we'll be long gone by then.
I think the impassable NPC guards might have had something to say about that.
We can't do anything for him, but we can at least not tell him he's wasting our time with his sob story.
But he still interprets it like that, I guess.
Much like the first dungeon, this one is short and... well, I wouldn't say "sweet" because it's still a sewer, but it's not too bad. These bright orange buttons on the floor open gates in the bars, allowing you to proceed. (The chest has an antitoxin. See why I'm not making a big deal out of these things?)
The camera moves so we can see what we're doing.
But we don't get far...
...before something else comes up.
He's both more polite and better dressed than most people I've met in the streets. Stormfist is weird.
"House of Archibald?"
...I just don't want to feel left out, okay
He PILFERED everything we had!
That face. That glorious, glorious face.
A Zombie SNAIL! The sun's justice shall be BROUGHT DOWN UPON THE FILTHY DEVIL!
And so we did.
And speaking of zombie snails, here's the un-undead version! Series veterans will recognize them; they've been around since the first game.
As you can see, the camera angle has changed a bit here, due to our new formation. This means I'll have to change it back again so I can get good shots
Every formation has a formation skill associated with it.
The Double Arm formation has this, which can be activated for free once per battle.
After you activate it, the characters will attack as per autobattle. It makes the random enemies in here even less of a threat.
...well, I don't think Georg was going to take much more damage anyway. Still!
Shoon's main means of attack is punching things.
He also comes with a Fierce Tiger Rune, which, despite the impressive sounding name, is a bog standard command rune: double damage to one enemy, and you're unbalanced for the next round. 'course, as long as fights don't take more than a round, that's not really a drawback, so it definitely has its uses.
And for my next trick... (music)
Hey, guys! The Prince and his friends are here!
Gladiator: Oh!
Oh, thank you so much!!
"Please allow us to suck up to you some more!"
"Nope, not having any of that."
Gladiator: Oh, that's right! The voices!
It's a bit hard to tell who is speaking, since they're all called "Gladiator."
Let's get crackin'! Unless they're ghosts. In that case, we'll get exorcisin'.
Gladiator: Thank you.
The scene ends.
Sorry we've dragged you into this, Your Highness.
We can now talk...
Gladiator (2): Your Highness... Thanks for coming to help us out! the rest of the gladiators...
Gladiator (3): Hmm... I coulda sworn there were more of us down here... Is someone out doing some late-night training for the Games? well as Lyon.
However, what we need to do in order to progress the story is
???: Do you really think... get away with...?
???:'re the only... count on...
???: Who's there?!
It's Prime Time, motherfuckers! (music)
And here's a familiar face!
Suspicious Man: Hey! W-Withdraw!
Suspicious Man: Huh? R-Right!
Same as the other generics, they're all Mysterious Men.
Stationary targets are boring! Want action! (music)
Good, because we're going to have to have a little talk later. I'm used to people going on about how they want to bang my mum, but I draw the line at murder!
The rest of the dungeon is just a corridor with a couple of bends here and there, but there are no side passages or anything, and the enemies are all the same ones we've already seen, so...
...we soon reach the other side.
Fresh air! Finally! Oh, and mysterious men, too.
I suppose we should deal with them.
Suspicious Man: Damn you guys! Get off our backs!
Suspicious Man: That's it! You asked for it, you lousy runts!
The Suspicious Men are a step up from what we've faced up until now, and this one actually survives a blow from Georg! But only one.
By the way Wind of Sleep still sucks.
Shoon is catching up! Also as you can see from the little squares under the character portraits, Suikoden V does not top up your MP when you level up and gain more of them. (Those bastards!
Suspicious Man: Gunghhh...
A quick fade later, we're back in the arena. (music)
Zegai doesn't.
Euram flails uselessly.
I'm not sure Zegai could even feel that.
I'll say one thing for Euram: I'm pretty sure he's entirely blameless here. He's not clever enough to come up with an assassination scheme, and he is, for better or worse, far too fond of the princess to put it into action even if he did.
Either he's telling the truth, or he's aiming to win the Oscars.
All of them.
That's right. Respect my judgment.
...I dunno. Does this-
-look like a trustworthy face to you?
Never, ever!
Euram leaves.
It should hardly come as a surprise. Regents tend to take a dim view on this kind of activities.
Still, something doesn't sit quite right about this...
We will, after a quick check-up.
Zegai isn't talking. Fine, have it your way.
Just when you think you know someone...
Gizel is being reasonable! Now I'm really sure something's off here.
Quite easily, I imagine? But like the man said, it won't be for some time yet.
After Frey leaves, Shoon and Gizel soon follow.
The prince and friends have retreated to one of their rooms upstairs.
Something fishy is definitely going on, and even Frey and Lyon have caught on to it. Like I said before, we're not playing a bunch of idiots here.
Speaking of whom... (music)
When you get involved in intrigue, do it decisively. But I'm warning you, it's best to not get too involved...
Indeed, I'll be ready to reveal our grand "cause" at the Sacred Games...
Marscal seems less than convinced...
Shoon outfit notes. Nothing really interesting to say here.